L'Arc et le Heaume – The Bow and the Helmet - Special Edition: Tolkien 1892-2012


L'Arc et le Heaume - Hors-série : Tolkien 1892-2012

1892 : Banker Arthur Reuel Tolkien and his wife Mabel give birth to John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in Bloemfontein, the capital of the Orange Free State in South Africa.

2012 : One hundred and twenty years after the birth of the professor and to commemorate this birthday, the association Tolkiendil, always acting more to promote Tolkien's work in the French world, wanted to publish a special issue of its magazine L'Arc et le Heaume (The Bow and the Helmet). To achieve this, we contacted some Tolkien scholars and artists, both French and foreigners, in order to ask them to write an article for this issue. The only condition was to provide this anthology with a large amount of unpublished works for the French readers.

Thus, we gathered many personalities in order to satisfy as many people as possible. We are honoured they answered our invitation. Among them are Tom Shippey (The Road to Middle-earth), Thomas Honegger (Good Dragons are Rare), Isabelle Pantin (Tolkien et ses légendes), etc. ; artists and authors such as Ted Nasmith, a famous illustrator and musician inspired by Tolkien's work and Ursula K. Le Guin, author of the renowned series of Terremer and the Ekumen. Some brilliant amateurs like Bertrand Bellet (Glǽmscrafu) also answered our call. You can discover the provisional summary below.

This issue is deliberately more serious than the previous ones. Yet, we still wanted it to be readable by our readership. With this special issue, L'Arc et le Heaume is following on from les Feuille de la Compagnie n°1 and 2 edited by Michaël Devaux and the collection Tolkien : trente ans après (1973 - 2003) by the French scholar Vincent Ferré.

Vivien Stocker, redactor-in-chief


  • J.R.R. Tolkien - Essay on Smith of Wootton Major (translated into French by Stéphanie Loubechine)

Available on the internet

  • (fr) An interview with the redactor-in-chief for the website Wikinews.
  • (fr) A review published on Le Salon Littéraire.
asso/mag/hs1/en.txt · Dernière modification: 06/04/2020 18:47 (modification externe)
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