Tolkien on Film

Titre original Tolkien on Film: Essays on Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings
Auteur Collectif
édité par Janet Brennan Croft
Publication 2005
Éditeur Mythopoeic Press


Ce recueil rassemble une quinzaine d'articles abordant, sous divers angles, l'adaptation cinématographique du Seigneur des Anneaux réalisée par Peter Jackson et sortie en salles entre 2001 et 2003, leur traitement de personnages ou d'éléments saillants du livre (notamment la place des femmes), leur réception, leur influence sur les fans, et leur place dans l'histoire du cinéma en général.


  • Fairy Princess or Tragic Heroine? The Metamorphosis of Arwen Undomiel in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings Films (Cathy Akers-Jordan)
  • Tales Around the Internet Campfire: Fan Fiction in Tolkien’s Universe (Susan Booker)
  • Summa Jacksonica: A Reply to Defenses of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films, after St. Thomas Aquinas (David Bratman)
  • Tolkien’s Women (and Men): The Films and the Books (Jane Chance)
  • Mithril Coats and Tin Ears: ‘Anticipation’ and ‘Flattening’ in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Janet Brennan Croft)
  • The Transformation of Tolkien’s Arwen and the Abandonment of the Psyche Archetype: The Lord of the Rings on the Page and on the Screen (Victoria Gaydosik)
  • Councils and Counsel in Tolkien’s and Jackson’s versions of The Lord of the Rings (Judith Kollmann)
  • Re-vision: The Creative Process in The Lord of the Rings, In Print and On Screen (Diana L. Paxson)
  • The Lord of the Rings: A Source-Critical Analysis (Mark Shea)
  • The Three Ages of Imperial Cinema: From the Death of Gordon to The Return of the King (J. E. Smyth)
  • Make Mine ‘Movieverse’: How the Tolkien Fan Fiction Community Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Peter Jackson (Amy H. Sturgis)
  • The “Sub-Subcreation” of Galadriel, Arwen, and Éowyn: Tolkien’s Women and The Lord of the Rings (Maureen Thum)
  • Frodo on Film: Peter Jackson’s Problematic Portrayal (Dan Timmons)
  • The Epic Hero and the Little Man (Kayla McKinney Wiggins)

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