A Wilderness of DragonsA Wilderness of Dragons

A Wilderness of Dragons: Essays in honor of Verlyn Flieger

Auteur John D. Rateliff (dir.)
Publication 2018
Éditeur The Gabbro Head

Présentation de l'éditeur

A Wilderness of Dragons: Essays in honor of Verlyn Flieger est une anthologie d'essais écrits en hommage à l'inspiration et à l'influence de la célèbre universitaire tolkienienne, l'autrice et professeure Verlyn Flieger. Ce volume est édité par l'éminent chercheur John D. Rateliff, auteur de The History of the Hobbit.


  • Introduction, by John D. Rateliff

Tolkienian Studies

  • Amy Amendt-Raduege, “A Seed of Courage: Merry, Pippin, and the Ordinary Hero”
  • David Bratman, “Smith of Wootton Major and Genre Fantasy”
  • Marjorie Burns, “Three Stories Holding Hands: The Wind in the Willows, Huntingtower, and The Hobbit”
  • imon Cook, Jeremiah Burns, Thomas Hillman, Richard Rohlin, and Oliver Stegen, “Do Eldar Dream of Immortal Sheep?”: Dreams, Memory, and Enchantment at the End of the Third Age”
  • Jason Fisher, “J. R. R. Tolkien: The Foolhardy Philologist”
  • Andrew Higgins, ” 'Mythology is language and language is mythology': How Verlyn Flieger's Favourite 'Bumper-sticker' Works in Tolkien's Legendarium”
  • John R. Holmes, ” 'A Green Great Dragon' and J. R. R. Tolkien's 'Native Language' ”
  • Thomas Honegger, “Splintered Heroes—Heroic Variety and its Function in The Lord of the Rings”
  • Kristine Larsen, “Lessons of Myth, Mortality, the Machine in the Dream State Space-Time Travel Tales of J.R.R. Tolkien and Olaf Stapledon”
  • John D. Rateliff, “The Name 'Nodens' ”
  • Taum Santoski, Marquette's Acquisition of the Tolkien Manuscripts
  • Anna Smol, “Seers and Singers: Tolkien's Typology of Sub-creators”
  • Vivien Stocker, “Tolkien's Story of Kullervo: A Lost Link between Kirby's Kalevala and Tolkien's Legendarium”
  • Sandra Ballif Straubhaar, “The Rare and Elusive 'Green, Great Dragon' ”
  • Kris Swank, “A Recognizable Irish Strain in Tolkien's Work”
  • Richard West, “Canute and Beorhtnoth”

Flieger's Fictions

  • Peter Grybauskas, ” 'Green Hill Country': A Scholar's Tale”
  • Paul Edmund Thomas, “Words Made Flesh in Avilion: A Romance of Voices”
  • Dennis Wilson Wise, “Identity, Time, and Faerie in Pig Tale and The Inn at Corbies' Caww: An Unexpected Convergence of Realms”

Personal Tributes

  • Susan Yager, “A Treacher's Teacher”
  • Kristine Larsen, ”'Whose Myth Is It?': Tolkien Studies as Interdisciplinary Studies”
  • Brad Eden, “Music, Time, and Light in the Works of J. R. R. Tolkien and Verlyn Flieger: A Reflection”

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