J.R.R. Tolkien: This Far Land

Auteur Robert Giddings (dir.)
Publication 1983
Éditeurs Barnes & Noble


  • Introduction - Robert Giddings
  • Gentility and Powerlessness: Tolkien and the New Class - Fred Inglis
  • Recovery, Escape, Consolation: Middle-earth and the English Fairy Tale - Roger King
  • Middle-earth and the Adolescent - Janet Menzies
  • Tolkien and the 60's - Nigel Walmsley
  • The Shape of the Narrative in The Lord of the Rings - Diana Wynne Jones
  • The Hasty Stroke Goes Oft Astray: Tolkien and Humour - Derek Robinson
  • The Rippingest Yarn of All - Kenneth McLeish
  • Hobbit Verse Versus Tolkien's Poem - Alan Bold
  • The Structuralist's Guide to Middle-earth - Nick Otty
  • No Sex Please- We're Hobbits: The Construction of Female Sexuality in The Lord of the Rings - Brenda Partridge

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Sur le net

  • La fiche sur le site de Tolkien Gateway.
  • Une critique sur le The Tolkien Wiki.
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