Tolkien Studies: An Annual Scholarly Review, Volume 10

tks.10_front.jpgTolkien Studies: An Annual Scholarly Review, Volume 10

TitreTolkien Studies: An Annual Scholarly Review, Volume 10
AuteursDouglas Anderson, Michael Drout, Verlyn Flieger (sous la direction de)
ÉditeurWest Virginia University


  • Editors' Introduction
  • In Memoriam: Maggie Burns
  • Conventions and Abbreviations
  • Claudio A. Testi: Tolkien’s Work: Is it Christian or Pagan? A proposal for a “synthetic” approach
  • Nils Ivar Agøy: Vague or vivid? Descriptions in The Lord of the Rings
  • Hope Rogers: No Triumph without Loss: Problems of Intercultural Marriage in Tolkien’s Works
  • Thomas Honegger: My Most Precious Riddle: Eggs and Rings Revisited
  • Michael Organ: Tolkien’s Japonisme : Prints, Dragons and a Great Wave
  • Renée Vink: “Jewish” Dwarves: Tolkien and anti-Semitic stereotyping
  • Derek Shank: “The Web of Story”: Structuralism in Tolkien’s “On Fairy-stories”
  • Benjamin Saxton: Tolkien and Bakhtin on Authorship, Literary Freedom, and Alterity
  • Notes and Documents
    • Kris Swank: Tom Bombadil’s Last Song: Tolkien’s “Once Upon A Time” ★
  • David Bratman: Book Reviews
  • Merlin DeTardo: The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies
  • Rebecca Epstein, David Bratman, and Merlin DeTardo: Bibliography (in English) for 2011
  • Notes on Contributors

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Ce volume est disponible sur le site de l'éditeur au format papier pour 70$ (~ 63€) frais de port compris ou bien au format ePub et pdf pour 60$ (~ 54€).

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